Privacy Policy of Site Plan Drawing is committed to protecting your online privacy while providing you with the most useful and enjoyable Web experience possible. While you can use many features of anonymously, you are required to provide personal information to gain access to some of our premium content and services.

How we collect and use personal information

Creating an account on gives you access to all of the site's services and features. The only information required is your first name, last name, phone number and e-mail address. Should you place an order with us, or an agent of will further collect your company name (if applicable), your mailing address including city, state, postal code and country, and credit card information for billing purposes.

With your approval, we occasionally will send e-mail to notify you about important changes to the site, new services, and special offers from us. If you would rather not receive these e-mail notifications, you can simply indicate that preference either when you register or at any time you modify your account. In addition to receiving e-mail announcements, you may be invited to sign up for periodic e-mail newsletters which will provide additional information on topics and services relating to back office services. If you enter a contest or respond to a promotion, we may ask for your postal address so we can notify contest winners and deliver promotional goodies. When you enter this information, we will save it in your member profile so that you won't have to enter it again. We occasionally may also send you postal mail to notify you about important changes to the site, new services, and special offers from us and partners. If you would rather not receive such information via postal mail, you can indicate this when you enter your address or you can modify your account at any time to indicate your preference.

How we protect your personal information

All personal data you enter on is encrypted with secure server software (SSL) that encodes the information before your Web browser software sends it to us. The SSL software decodes the data only after it reaches our server, meaning hackers can't snatch any of your personal information while it is in transit. Once the data reaches our site, the same state-of-the-art security software we use to guard all of our company's essential business data protects your personal data as well. In addition to using secure technology, we work tirelessly to make sure that we use any information you provide us only in ways you have approved. We send you only the e-mail you have approved in your account information or on your e-mail subscription sign-up page.

How we use "cookies"

As you probably know, "cookies" are small pieces of information that some Web sites store on your computer's hard drive when you visit them. Like many other Web sites, uses cookies to identify members so they don't have to enter a user ID and password upon each visit. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies but allow you to modify security settings so you can approve or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis. Even if you do not use cookies, you can still access all of the features on our site by logging in manually with each visit.

What we provide to third parties

While does not provide any third-party access to your personal information except to facilitate your own attempts to register with our partners or receive offers from select partners as mentioned elsewhere in this policy, we may provide third parties with aggregate statistics about our customers, traffic patterns, and related site information. This data reflects site usage patterns gathered during millions of customer visits to our Web site each month, but it does not contain behavioral or identifying information about any individual member unless that member has given us permission to share that information.

Obtaining your consent

By using our Web site, you give permission to collect information about the pages served to you as an anonymous user for the purpose of calculating aggregate site statistics. If you create an account at, you authorize to use information you provide to personalize the information we deliver to you and to use your demographic information when calculating aggregate customer data. As a registered member, you give and our agents permission to send you e-mails related to our subscription e-mail services. If you are under the age of 18, you must not provide your name, e-mail address, or any other identifying information without the consent of your parent or guardian, or as otherwise provided for by applicable law. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it